
Resilience Boot Camp

January 2022

Just what I need.... sign me up!

Sister Care: Holistic Self-Care for Badass Womxn of Color  



Resilience Boot Camp

Resilience is the ability to adapt and recover from adversity, stress, trauma and loss. What makes makes your Resilience as badass as you are? Self-care. But we get stuck when our own care becomes another thing to do, or we believe our stories about our time, priorities or right to self-care and/or we lose sight of how our well-being serves our highest purpose.

This five-week workshop covers the fundamentals of Whole Self Care, its value and its importance. You’ll learn what YOU need to boost your Resilience and will create a plan to boost your self-care— and resilience— in one area of your life.

When:  five saturdays, starting April 3  

Investment:  $180.00 if paid in full by January 1; if paid in full between January 2 and January 22. Nonrefundable payment accepted via Cash APP $heartrivercoaching or on PayPal. . Watch Instagram, FaceBook for special offers!

What you will receive:

  • Weekly group via Zoom facilitated by Kim 

  • Weekly activities for exploration and reflection 

  • One complimentary hour of 1-1 coaching after the workshop ends 

  • One downloadable Heart River Coaching journal 

  • One weekly 20-minute “tune-up” conversation with Kim (by request)

  • A personalized self-care plan for one area of your life you would like to change

  • Opportunity to win a free essence experience, a powerful coaching conversation

  • 25% off First Month of 1-1 Coaching Subscription Package

How to Register:  Click this link: Sign Me Up! or email will be fully registered for the workshop once you have completed the form AND payment is received in full. Once payment is received, Kim will email you with information about accessing each session via Zoom, and inviting you to complete your first activity before the workshop starts.  

Confidentiality: To create a brave space for self-reflection, growth and possibility, all participants agree to respect each others’ privacy and hold confidential the conversations we have. You ARE encouraged to share new things you learn and your experience of the workshop and coaching!

Always:  Contact Kim at heartrivercoaching if you have any questions! Also, SELF-CARE!

For further information regarding scheduled classes and coaching, please contact us at: